Vin Diesel wil een 3de Riddick

Er is al veel sprake geweest van het derde deel van de Riddick films. Na Pitch Black en The Chronicles of Riddick wil acteur Vin Diesel dan toch zijn brilletje opnieuw opzetten voor het laatste deel van de trilogie. Hoewel je Chronicles, in strikte zin van het woord, niet echt een vervolgfilm op Pitch kan noemen.

De Moviehole schrijft het volgende:

Vin Diesel tells MTV that he’s currently nutting out a storyline for the film – the third in the “Pitch Black” series – based on the blueprints that were left in his lap when he first signed on for sequel one.

“Riddick? Well, you know that I’ve always had ‘C2’ planned,” he says. “I’m silently — and I shouldn’t even say this — I’m silently working on ‘C2’ with some of the outlines that were created when I first thought of doing the three films.”

Succes Vin ! See y’a at the movies !

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07/09/2004: The Chronicles of Riddick review


  1. Haley

    I really like the movie pitch black and the chronicles of riddick, so yeah I’d love if their was a third one .But I’ve got to be honest I would enjoy the movie a lot more if Alexa Davalos returned she so belongs in that movie no matter how she comes back .

  2. Kitty

    The story, the actors, the effects… the quality of the 2 Riddick movies are just excellent. Beautifully and skillfully made. I would love to see Riddick 3! i have been waiting for it!!!


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